Central Province Schools

Mount Merici Academy, Waterville, ME:  www.mountmerici.org

Ursuline Academy, Dallas, TX:  www.ursulinedallas.org

Ursuline Academy, Dedham, MA:  www.ursulineacademy.net

Ursuline Academy, New Orleans, LA:  www.uanola.org

Ursuline Academy, St Louis, MO:  www.ursulinestl.org


Eastern Province Schools

Academy of Mount St. Ursula, Bronx, NY:  www.amsu.org

The Ursuline School, New Rochelle, NY: www.ursulinenewrochelle.org

Ursuline Academy, Wilmington, DE:  www.ursuline.org


Other Links

Ursuline Sisters of the Central Province: www.osucentral.org

Ursuline Sisters of the Eastern Province:  www.osueast.org

Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union USA Justice & Peace:  www.usaromanunionursulines.org

Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union, Rome, Italy:  www.ursulines-roman-union.org

Ursuline Education Network:  www.ursuline-education.com